Some exquisite food from 1931

From an extremely well done novel from the 1930s...

While the last of the fogs went wherever fogs go to when there is no wind...Sir Herbert Livewright [fresh back to London from a vacation in the South of France] remained in his library [with] a fire burning briskly on the open hearth, exercising his brain....When...his butler came quietly into this...atmosphere and announced that luncheon was served, Sir Herbert...pushed his little table away and rose to his feet and...washed his...hands;...and then Sir Herbert Livewright went through into his dining room, and consumed, with every appearance of relish,
a little something of egg,
and some roast chicken with every kind of appurtenance,
including salad,
and a large portion of a distinctly heady trifle,
and some biscuits
and some celery
and some cheese.
And during this repast Sir Herbert Livewright also drank
some exceedingly good still Moselle,
and a cup of excellent coffee,
and a noggin of admirable cognac.

- Denis MacKail, The Square Circle, 1931